August 10, 2009

Lessons Learnt

Rule #1 ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS change to neutral gear and pull handbrake while waiting at traffic light! (rule emphasized to autocars because we tend to take driving lightly when it comes to driving an autocar!)

at least change to neutral gear.

Rule #2 Trust the foot LESS when it comes to pressing the brake, foot may "rebel" and refuse to press longer thus letting go of the hold without your knowing. cis cis cis. (mode memarahi diri)

Rule #3 scold yourself! Tell yourself it's ok. C'est la vie! (self-motivation) but LEARN from mistakes!

Here's what happened. Last Tuesday, I bumped into somebody's car from behind while on my way to work. Well, it was just another normal Tuesday morning. I didn't expect a stirring situation would come up waiting for me ahead until.. toink.. toink.. (yup, it's what u think it is- the thudding sound of my mum's Myvi knocking against a kancil's butt!) double impact doe. 2 kali tu. efek melantun. Tolongla. 7.55am, it was truly a wake-up call for me.

So while I'm at it, just so as to not make this story sounds so pathetic, I'll start using lots of nice adjective kay?

Ehem. Yea. So that nice.... morning, I got nice... cursings from the nice... lady and I was nicely.... calming her down telling her not too worry much. I told her to send her nice Kancil which was nicely slammed by my mum's car to a nice workshop and told her to send the nice bill to me. We exchanged our nice phone numbers and TRULY enough, the bill sent was NICE tooo!

But guess what, after the incident, the lady and I were talking like we've known each other for years. Haha. I've always construed that in every clouds, there's always a silver lining.

So... moral of the story, i love u, nice!

August 08, 2009

Dalam semua perkara hebat yg kita lakukan, ingatlah~

Kisah ini terjadi di Rusia. Seorang ayah yang memiliki putra yang berusia kurang lebih 5 tahun, memasukkan putranya tersebut ke sekolah musik untuk belajar piano. Ia rindu melihat anaknya kelak menjadi seorang pianis yang terkenal.
Selang beberapa waktu kemudian, di kota tersebut datang seorang pianis yang sangat terkenal. Karena ketenarannya, dalam waktu singkat tiket konser telah terjual habis. Sang ayah membeli 2 buah tiket pertunjukan, untuk dirinya dan anaknya.
Pada hari pertunjukan, satu jam sebelum konser dimulai, kursi telah terisi penuh. Sang ayah duduk dan putranya tepat berada di sampingnya. Seperti layaknya seorang anak kecil, anak ini pun tidak betah duduk diam terlalu lama, tanpa sepengetahuan ayahnya, ia menyelinap pergi.

Ketika lampu gedung mulai diredupkan, sang ayah terkejut menyadari bahwa putranya tidak ada di sampingnya. Ia lebih terkejut lagi ketika melihat anaknya berada dekat panggung pertunjukan, dan sedang berjalan menghampiri piano yang akan dimainkan pianis tersebut.
Didorong oleh rasa ingin tahu, tanpa takut anak tersebut duduk di depan piano dan mulai memainkan sebuah lagu, lagu yang sederhana, twinkle-twinkle little star.
Operator lampu sorot, yang terkejut mendengar adanya suara piano mengira bahwa konser telah dimulai tanpa apa-apa terlebih dahulu, dan ia langsung menyorotkan lampunya ke tengah panggung. Seluruh penonton terkejut melihat yang berada di panggung bukan sang pianis, tapi hanyalah seorang anak kecil. Sang pianis pun terkejut, dan bergegas naik ke atas panggung. Melihat anak tersebut, sang pianis tidak menjadi marah, ia tersenyum dan berkata, "Teruslah bermain" dan sang anak yang mendapat ijin, meneruskan permainannya.
Sang pianis lalu duduk di samping anak itu dan mulai bermain mengimbangi permainan anak itu. Ia mengisi semua kelemahan permainan anak itu dan akhirnya tercipta suatu komposisi permainan yang sangat indah. Bahkan mereka seakan menyatu dalam permainan piano tersebut.
Ketika mereka berdua selesai, seluruh penonton menyambut dengan meriah, karangan bunga dilemparkan ke tengah panggung. Sang anak jadi besar kepala, pikirnya, "Gila, baru belajar piano sebulan saja sudah hebat!" Ia lupa bahwa yang disoraki oleh penonton adalah sang pianis yang duduk di sebelahnya, mengisi semua kekurangannya dan menjadikan permainannya sempurna.

Apa implikasinya dalam hidup kita ?
Kadang kita bangga akan segala rencana hebat yang kita buat, perbuatan-perbuatan besar yang telah berhasil kita lakukan. Tapi kita lupa bahwa semua itu terjadi karena Tuhan ada di samping kita. Kita adalah anak kecil tadi, tanpa ada Tuhan di samping kita, semua yang kita lakukan akan sia-sia. Tapi bila Tuhan ada di samping kita, sesederhana apapun hal yang kita lakukan hal itu akan menjadi hebat dan baik, bukan saja buat diri kita sendiri tapi juga baik bagi orang di sekitar kita. Semoga kita tidak pernah lupa bahwa ada Tuhan di samping kita.


Selamat melayani melalui apapun karunia dan talenta yang sudah Tuhan berikan kepada kita. Tuhan memberkati.

July 22, 2009

All that she yearns for

Have you ever felt so in love that you'd do anything just for this one person? Just hearing his name makes you smile from 1 ear to another. With him, things you unusually do, you would do. He makes you angry but you end up forgiving him and loving him even more. Be there for each other even when you have nothing to say. You don't get worn out reminding of how much you love him. You try to cheer him up when inside, it hurts to see him hurt. You make sure you keep your phone next to you, just to wait for his msgs/phone calls. You've gotta hear his voice before you go to bed even if it means you have to sleep late for tomorrow's work...

p/s Been there. and still is.. :)

July 13, 2009

Kebaktian Kebangunan Rohani Gawai Kaamatan 2009

Hey all! Im promoting for St Peter, Ipoh's Church's annual event called "Kebaktian Kebangunan Rohani Gawai Kaamatan 2009". This is the 2nd time the BM's congregation will be organising this event after its blast debut in the previous year. Last year was, 3 words I'd describe it as- modest but HAPPENING! With this year's theme as "1 Suara, 1 Visi", we look forward to join together as one congregation to worship the Lord in one unity despite the many races we all come from because in Christ, we are one. Apart from the praise and worship and sermon by an invited Pastor, there are also several other performances awaiting like the MUST-be-in-the-list Tarian tradisional Sabah & Swak, tarian buluh and also tarian panji (this one is 1st time ever to be staged, credits to abg Mark macho for the remarkable coaching :P) and many others... Though I cant be with my brothers and sisters in Christ for this year's preparation, still, I hope this way, I can do my part to promote this most talk about and most anticipated event in town (haha. hope im not exaggerating too much!) anyway, you're most invited to come and join us if you're around Ipoh at that time! It's opened to all ayte, be it Christians or non-Christians. Be in your best traditional costume (if u have one :D)! Check out these templates prepared by our petite and ever-young Ann for more information on the event. God bless!

P/s And to all my beloved and treasured friends back in Perak (agapians, ulu kinta cuties, UTARians? [haha is thr such a term], warga st peter & shalom & invited performers), all the best for preparation! Lakukan segalanya utk kemuliaan Tuhan. Amen!

+ Click on picture for larger view +

July 10, 2009

How much do You love me?

One day, I woke early in the morning to watch the sunrise.

Ah the beauty of God’s creation is beyond description.

As I watched, I praised God for His beautiful work.

As I sat there, I felt the Lord’s presence with me.

He asked me,

“Do you love me?”

I answered,

“Of course, God! You are my Lord and Savior!”

Then He asked,

“If you were physically handicapped, would you still love me?”

I was perplexed. I looked down upon my arms, legs and the rest of my body and wondered how many things I wouldn’t be able to do, the things that I took for granted.

And I answered, “It would be tough Lord, but I would still loveYou.”

Then the Lord said,

“If you were blind, would you still love my creation?”

How could I love something without being able to see it? Then I thought of all the blind people in the world and how many of them still loved God and His creation.

So I answered, “Its hard to think of it, but I would still love you.”

The Lord then asked me,

“If you were deaf, would you still listen to my word?”

How could I listen to anything being deaf? Then I understood.

Listening to God’s Word is not merely using our ears, but our hearts. I answered,

“It would be tough, but I would still listen to Your word.”

The Lord then asked,

“If you were mute, would you still praise My Name?”

How could I praise without a voice?

Then it occurred to me: God wants us to sing from our very heart and soul. It never matters what we sound like. And praising God is not always with a song, but when we are persecuted, we give God praise with our words of thanks. So I answered,

“Though I could not physically sing, I would still praise Your Name.

And the Lord asked,

“Do you really love Me?”

With courage and a strong conviction, I answered boldly,

“Yes Lord! I love You because You are the one and true God!”

I thought I had answered well, but God asked,


I answered, “Because I am only human. I am not perfect.”



No answers. Only tears.

The Lord continued:

“Why only sing at fellowships and retreats? Why seek Me only in times of worship? Why ask things so selfishly? Why ask things so unfaithfully?”

The tears continued to roll down my cheeks.

“Why are you ashamed of Me? Why are you not spreading the good news? Why in times of persecution, you cry to others when I offer My shoulder to cry on? Why make excuses when I give you opportunities to serve in My Name?”

I tried to answer, but there was no answer to give.

“You are blessed with life. I made you not to throw this gift away. I have blessed you with talents to serve Me, but you continue to turn away. I have revealed My Word to you, but you do not gain in knowledge. I have spoken to you but your ears were closed. I have shown My blessings to you, but your eyes were turned away. I have sent you servants, but you sat idly by as they were pushed away. I have heard your prayers and I have answered them all.”


I could not answer. How could I? I was embarrassed beyond belief. I had no excuse. What could I say to this? When the tears had flowed, I said, “ Please forgive me Lord. I am unworthy to be Your child.”

The Lord answered,

“ That is My Grace, My child.”

I asked, “ Then why do you continue to forgive me? Why do You love me so?”

The Lord answered,

“ Because you are My creation. You are my child. I will never abandon you.

When you cry, I will have compassion and cry with you.

When you shout with joy, I will laugh with you.

When you are down, I will encourage you.

When you fall, I will raise you up.

When you are tired, I will carry you.

I will be with you till the end of days, and I will love you forever.”

Never had I cried so hard before. How could I have been so cold? How could I have hurt God as I had done? I asked God,

“How much do You love me?”

The Lord stretched out His arms, and I saw His nail-pierced hands.

I bowed down at the feet of Christ, my Savior.

And for the first time, I truly prayed.

-Author unknown

April 27, 2009

See that's the thing about love

After all.. She continued playing the drums cos that's what her heart has wanted all along.

Dear drums, she may not be a perfect player, but one thing that she knows of, is that she really really likes you.

She hearts you

April 14, 2009

Ratify and relinquish

On the verge of


April 03, 2009

The things of which I know

I love playing the drums but i can't continue to play it. Yes, i have been playing the guitar all the while. Even though to my heart's full of contentment i really want to play the drums, but i can't beat the drums to the tempo. I will continue to strum the guitar, but my heart still wants the drums.

March 20, 2009



You say: "It's impossible"
God says: All things are possible
(Luke 18:27)

You say: "I'm too tired"
God says: I will give you rest
(Matthew 11:28-30)

You say: "Nobody really loves me"
God says: I love you
(John 3:16 & John 3:34 )

You say: "I can't go on"
God says: My grace is sufficient
(II Corinthians 12:9 & Psalm 91:15)

You say: "I can't figure things out"
God says: I will direct your steps
(Proverbs 3:5-6)

You say: "I can't do it"
God says: You can do all things
(Philippians 4:13)

You say: "I'm not able"
God says: I am able
(II Corinthians 9:8)

You say: "It's not worth it"
God says: It will be worth it
(Roman 8:28 )

You say: "I can't forgive myself"
God says: I Forgive you
(I John 1:9 & Romans 8:1)

You say: "I can't manage"
God says: I will supply all your needs
(Philippians 4:19)

You say: "I'm afraid"
God says: I have not given you a spirit of fear
(II Timothy 1:7)

You say: "I'm always worried and frustrated"
God says: Cast all your cares on ME
(I Peter 5:7)

You say: "I'm not smart enough"
God says: I give you wisdom
(I Corinthians 1:30)

You say: "I feel all alone"
God says: I will never leave you or forsake you
(Hebrews 13:5)

March 19, 2009


Today, I have a very special message delivery for someone.

To the person who __(choose one)__
terambil/mengambil/pura-pura ambil/tak sedar tangan mengambil/pinjam sekejap/pinjam lama-lama/pinjam terus/bawa balik/angkut/punggah/cedok my HRM book after the test last night, huhu. Bless you.

March 16, 2009

Just Because

Sometimes we can tell stories without telling. Pictures can tell EVERYTHING. It says the thousands of magic words.















Credits to Jos for taking the snapshots.

March 07, 2009

Sarawak Specialties

It's been 2 weeks or so before I am able to post somethg here. Just randomly crossed my mind that i could post something on Sarawak's special delicacies.
(well, indeed im currently missing 'em.. drools~~)

P/s I haven't got a personal camera yet so i grabbed hold of these pictures from different sites available on the net. Credit goes to the internet, as the saying goes,
maklumat di hujung jari jer..

Absolutely whetting the appettite. First up on the list.....

Figure 1: Umai Sarawak
Photo: (must quote whr the source is taken from. my lecturer said otherwise, it's considered as plagiarism :P haha. lame me)
Somewhat regarded as Sarawak's very own 'sushi'. Made of raw fish (or it can be prawns etc. ) but no worries, it's not exactly uncooked. when it is mixed with lime juice, eventually it gets half-cooked or well done because of the reaction happening in it (i wouldnt know how though, but confirmed-it's edible :PP)

Figure 2: The renowned Laksa Sarawak

Figure 3: Linut (by the Melanau tribe)
Made of sago. This treat is best paired with sambal belacan. It completes the taste. I like it best when served hot 'n' scorching spicy.

Last but not least.......

Figure 4: The prominent and most famous Kolok Mee
Photo by

Quote for the day: Never take life too seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway.

February 22, 2009


Hi and lo! Rise and shine! This marks my first ever post in blogspot© . Yes, it is. I've written blogs in the past but I was inevitably passive in my writings because I :

1) Can't find the time to (in now's case, time should find me :P) < ??? inexplainable
2) Didn't like writing out my ideas, thoughts etc publicly (in now's case, ideas and thoughts should be able to like me) < ? again inexplainable

Anyway, I shall start to love writing blogs now because... erm.. because.. aaa... errr... mooo... Now, this is getting tougher :P

As this will be my first post, I'll make it short and precise. Before I end, just so you can get to know me better (I think that's what blogs are meant for-to get to know people better through their sharings about life and experiences), here are some trivias about me:

Trivia #1: I'm not a Chinese. People think I'm one because of my surname. Neither am I a mix of Chinese from any both sides of my parents. The only link I have to Chinese is that back at home, our neighbours in front/back/left/right of our house are Chinese people. Ngehehe. Plus my closest friends are Chinese. :)

Trivia  #2: I may have a personality disorder, really. Depending on the situations and external factors, I can at a time be notably unassertive, shy and a woman of little words. I shall call her Jonah (random :P) At another time, I'm loud, crazy as it seems, bubbly and I'll do all these funny and ugly gestures that I'm good at. Could it be that I'm now in this phase called an early age crisis cause people at age 40's have their own middle age crisis too. T_T"

Trivia #3:  I don't eat bananas. It's the weirdest thing, I know. Force me to eat one and I'll dislike you just as how a baboon would hate you if you feed it with 'belacan'. Lol. Jk.

trivia #4: I can imitate the infamous donald duck laugh. Again, weird.

I think by the time you finish reading the trivias, you'll conclude that I’m a bizarre person so I might as well just pause here for the moment. We shall resume back in my next post. It's 3.36 in the morning and I shall get my essential sleep now. Till then, toddles. Thanks for reading. :D

Facts for the day:
Ducks' feet have no nerves or blood vessels. This means ducks never feel the cold, even if they swim in icy cold water!