Hey all! Im promoting for St Peter, Ipoh's Church's annual event called "Kebaktian Kebangunan Rohani Gawai Kaamatan 2009". This is the 2nd time the BM's congregation will be organising this event after its blast debut in the previous year. Last year was, 3 words I'd describe it as- modest but HAPPENING! With this year's theme as "1 Suara, 1 Visi", we look forward to join together as one congregation to worship the Lord in one unity despite the many races we all come from because in Christ, we are one. Apart from the praise and worship and sermon by an invited Pastor, there are also several other performances awaiting like the MUST-be-in-the-list Tarian tradisional Sabah & Swak, tarian buluh and also tarian panji (this one is 1st time ever to be staged, credits to abg Mark macho for the remarkable coaching :P) and many others... Though I cant be with my brothers and sisters in Christ for this year's preparation, still, I hope this way, I can do my part to promote this most talk about and most anticipated event in town (haha. hope im not exaggerating too much!) anyway, you're most invited to come and join us if you're around Ipoh at that time! It's opened to all ayte, be it Christians or non-Christians. Be in your best traditional costume (if u have one :D)! Check out these templates prepared by our petite and ever-young Ann for more information on the event. God bless!
P/s And to all my beloved and treasured friends back in Perak (agapians, ulu kinta cuties, UTARians? [haha is thr such a term], warga st peter & shalom & invited performers), all the best for preparation! Lakukan segalanya utk kemuliaan Tuhan. Amen!
P/s And to all my beloved and treasured friends back in Perak (agapians, ulu kinta cuties, UTARians? [haha is thr such a term], warga st peter & shalom & invited performers), all the best for preparation! Lakukan segalanya utk kemuliaan Tuhan. Amen!

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